On this day met up with FP1 Will. Big guy runs a youtube channel based around F1 and hopes to get it running as a full time job come next year or so.

Started the day wandering around a bit then about half 12 sat down at the bar they had at the base of the hostel. Grabbed a couple drinks with a dude that worked there and we were talking for a little while, he works in London but did schooling up in Edinburgh and grew up in Manchester. He’s pretty into cycling do it was good to be able to have a relatable thing to talk about with him, he recommended some routes to take and where and also where not to stop.

Then around 2 Will rocked up and we got a couple more drinks at the hostel. At this point I still haven’t had anything to eat for the day, but I was hoping with Will we could get something to eat. We walked around a little while until he had the idea to go up a sky garden to get some good views of London city. We rocked up at the spot and we could get up without a reservation, but the timing for that was about 45 minutes later. We went and got a very nice view of tower of London and just max and relaxed for a while until it was time to head up. You got a complimentary glass of champagne on the way up. Once we got there it was very beautiful and an awesome sunset at the time we got up there. Lucky enough it wasn’t too busy and it was easy to find a good spot to chill. Once we got done with that we headed back toward the main station and thats where we parted ways.

I headed back to the hostel and I could feel something wrong in my stomach, i couldn't quite pin point what it was. I haven't eating but I had been drinking loads more than usual.

Finally I felt a churn and decided it was time to head over to the washroom and make sure I was all good. Right when i left the bed and got out into the hall I knew it was coming. Got into the washroom and made it to the toilet right as the first chunks were spewing. This was at about 11 and then i was up and down regurgitating chunks until about 330am. Nice. I left the hostel at a point because i figured some chips and a drink would be a good idea. Got some OJ and some Walker’s sea salt originals. Finished the OJ on the way back to the hostel and there was no way it was staying down haha. It came right back out almost immediately. Nice and rough night into a beautiful hangover the next day