got into london from Canada rather early in the morning, about 8.

Once i got off the plane i retrieved my bike and set up in a clear area of the airport so i could begin constructing the bike.

once the bike was put together and all the bags were attached and set in a proper way, i headed for the train to get into london

lucky for me the area I was storing the bike and the place I was staying were all in 2 minute walking proximity of each other. I tossed the bike into a Spokesafe locker and went on my way.

I had made a list of things I wanted to get done while in London. One of these was see as many of the touristy things as i could, also cross as many of their bridges as I could. I did London Bridge, tower bridge and a few other minor bridges over the course of 7 hours. Once it was 3p i was so beat from the long 36 hours of travel I went to the hostel and crashed harder than the hindenburg.

woke up again around 7, and walked this market strip right outside the hostel on Lower Marsh st. Went into a place to get food. The guy recommended their pizza and said it was good. I promise you when i say it was easily the worst I’ve ever had LOL. Whatever gets you through the meal time i suppose.