On this day I woke up relieved after I took the time to plan everything the day previous. I knew where I was going and for how long, I had hostels planned and so at this point there was no room for any kind of mishap.

I set off on the bike headed toward Blackpool to catch a train for that morning heading toward Liverpool. I left the Pilling campsite with hours to spare as I found out the night previous, that in order to make my trip with Jackson work I would need to complete everything for the upcoming job.. while abroad. Not too crazy but the measurements they require are obscure for the country, and I would need to mail my things across the pond which is scary.. anything could go wrong and then I'm seriously in a bit of trouble.

It was about an hour bike ride into a town called Fleetwood where I would have to take a ferry to the other side of the river so that I can access Blackpool. The ferry is only for people I suppose? Which was cool to come across. I had never seen anything like that, and the way they maneuvered this boat coming into the opposite port was nothing short of impressive. It was like the Sea-bus, but it felt like this guy had been doing this since he was 5 years old or something.

I left Fleetwood and headed down the coast until I came to this town just North of Blackpool where I would use my bike lock for the first time, get my photos taken and then send in scans of my identifications in.

I rocked up inside the photo shop and had my photo taken and out the door in what felt like record time.

After which I head over to the print shop so they can scan and email me my photo Id's.

While inside the print shop I got to talking with the people running the place. I was telling them about my new plan and heading into Europe after. When I was listing off the places in mind, their eyes sparked when I mentioned Munich. They must have had some cool experiences there, and they were so passionate speaking about their trip to this cathedral where they have a 'real devil's footprint' displayed on the floor within one of their tiles.

For believers that must be the scariest shit you could ever come across.

Anyway. I finished up speaking with them and getting everything done that was needed for the job and got on my way to Blackpool.

As I continued along the coastal route, it was becoming ever-more apparent that I was following the late tracks of a bike race. there were a few people here and there with pinnies on, and some you could see their actual tag.

It became the most apparent when I neared closer to the finish and the cheers began to get louder. I'm thinking to myself "there's no way they think I'm apart of this, how can I let these lot know that I'm just biking.. no compete.. no comprende?"

There was nothing I could do to mitigate the cheers and then obvious confusion from spectators as I drew closer and they realized I was not competing.. that's okay though. I put up the hands and waved them as if to say "don't worry, I swear I'm supposed to be here."

After getting past that bit it was relatively smooth sailing over to the train station where it was just a quick wait until the train rocked up, and then a quick ride over to Liverpool Lime Street Station.

Once I arrived it was time for business. the first thing I would handle is bringing the bike over to the storage place so I could keep the old hog locked up for some time as I finish my exploration in the north of UK. Was speaking to this Liverpool native, Danny, bless his soul but this man is not smart.

After getting everything sorted with the locker and sifting through what I had in the bag to keep the load as light as possible. I walked out of the storage locker and went over a local Launderette. While I was in there I got into talks with a local lass who was talking about her and her neighbors as if I knew them, as if she knew me. It was refreshing to be honest. Just having a nice conversation with some random person.

Their system was also pretty confusing, so it was nice to have a local to tell me about all the glitches I could use for cheaper laundry.

After my load finished, I head back toward the hostel where I would check-in for my stay in Liverpool.

I was staying at this spot called the International Inn. I picked it because it was decently rated and above-all it was cheap.

I got into the sleeping quarters and was made aware of why it was so cheap. They don't really have an age limit on the people that can stay in this place. I was sleeping my first night at the feet of a beyond-middle-aged man with a belly that could fit more beer than what gets this man drunk. This guy farted without shame, coughed without shame and snored without shame.

It was 6p when I rocked up and this guy was already in bed as I was dropping my bag off.

At this point I head toward this co-op to get food to make for the night. It was pretty close which was good because I was so hungry when I rocked up.

Menu for tonight was the special spaghetti meatball. Pretty much all I'm confidently good at making on a consistent basis.

I get back to the kitchen, crack a beer and get to cooking. That's when the gang of Irish dudes came into the kitchen, each with a takeout meal bigger than the last guys. These lot were headed out to the pubs for the night, but they did not want to include me, no matter how much I implied I wanted something to do.

After I cleaned up dinner I head out on my own to this local bar, got a cider and just chilled as I watched the sun set behind this massive Anglican cathedral placed directly in the center of their city.

It was nice.

Then headed back to go to bed. I don't know what this guys bed time was but it must have been dinner-time for me because I walked into what felt like a true test of patience and composure. This guy was already in the late stages of REM sleep. Buddy was not waking up for a meteor at this point.

The earbuds came right out of the case and the earplug went right into the other ear. I could not be bothered to listen to this guy a second longer. Once I prime myself for sleep it doesn't really matter what's going on around me, but up until that point, I am as aware as a guy guarding a post with his life. Every grueling sound that came out of this man's orifices was not something that got past me. Especially when what I was watching got quiet.

Eventually I fell asleep. Still a good day. Not much accomplished in Liverpool, but the point isn't to accomplish anything. The next day I would be going vintage shopping and looking for a decent museum and fish and chip.