I woke up earlier than I usually do on this day as to be able to make and eat a decent breakfast before heading to the train to go up to the Lake District. This was the bit I was definitely most excited for up until this point.

I got up, repacked my bag, ate and cleaned breakfast then the day had begun. I started toward the train station and didn't look back, as some would say.

The train brought me to the south side of the Lake District, in a town called Windermere. From there, you're pretty much required to take a bus from town to town, if you don't have a car obviously.

I always stand back a little bit so I can watch other people get their ticket and then I will go and do the same. The ticket lady saw right through me the whole time, she just picked me out the crowd and asked "where you headed to?" took my payment, handed me the ticket and offered to let me know when the bus arrives for me to get on the proper one. Very nice lady.

I managed to get on the right bus, and I head toward Ambleside.

Once I got there it was apparent this is a British gem. You get off the bus and immediately you're met with a ever-expanding landscape lined with mountains. Each mountain has grass up the whole thing and no shortage of farmers walls along with sheep and some furry cattle.

At this point I wasn't able to drop my bag at the hostel, so I went right into the town (hostel was a bit outside the town). The first thing I did was walk over to these little waterfalls they had. It was a cool first stop. If you're only going to be in Ambleside I would consider it worth it, but if you're only there for 1 night or so, I highly recommend doing an easy hike on a more local mountain, which was my second stop. It took about 1.5 hrs total for me to do the full circle on this smaller mountain. Looked approximately 230m in elevation gain across 1.5kms. It was a decent walk. After I finished with that, I walked into town and hit up a grocery store to find some food to cook for the night and then began the walk back to the hostel to get myself checked in.

I got into my room and it was the most beautiful sight. This hostel was the YHA in Ambleside. The building is lakefront, and the rooms all stare off at the lake. From my room it was just the most magnificent view of the lake, with the sunset and some boats docked in front, and also out in the middle of the water.

As I was dropping my belongings, a different lad entered the room. Indian guy, didn't get to know him too well. After he entered another lad entered. We got to a quick chat and then agreed to meet for beers later that evening, his name is Harry.

Harry's a chill guy, we got to talking and he was just on a vacation from every day life within his own country. Said he was starting a new project when he got back to London. Makes sense, there are a lot of people here travelling UK, especially from London who are off for a week and using that time to travel within England which I find pretty cool.

Harry has good music taste, him and I shared some songs with each other. He had just finished a marathon in London (The London Marathon) before he had come to the Lake District to partake in more exercise. Kind of crazy.

I went for another little walk in the area and then head back into the kitchen to start cheffin for the evening. Eventually Harry rocked up and we got our first beers while we were eating. We were both chowing down at the same time which made it really easy to Segway into different conversation. Eventually we took the chats to outside and watched the sunset over the lake with a beer. Nothing gets much better than that in life. We kept talking and then eventually the night came to a close and we both head into bed. I would be up and at em the next day for a larger hike onto Dove's Cragg and Fairview Ridge