The day after the pub crawl I woke up feeling hungover.

I also realized that people really don't care about how much noise they make in hostels. I couldn't believe how disrespectfully loud some people can be when they're getting their shit packed to make an early train.

I had a bit of a headache, but the real issue with my hungover is that I feel absolutely 0 motivation. I knew I couldn't just stay in bed all day, so I walked down to the cafe to grab a bit of food and definitely a coffee.

Once done with that, I decided that I would go to the Scottish National Museum they had here in town. I was told by many different people that it was actually a really nice museum even though it feels like it's for kids when you're looking at it online.

I walked over to the museum and once I got in you could really tell why they said that about the place. The building itself isn't overly large but it has a bunch of different floors. My personal favourite section was their section about space, and how sailors used space through night to navigate their way through the open seas. sometimes unsuccessfully and sometimes with some success. I think it's very interesting how little we can relate nowadays, but actually how common it was for people to go missing at sea, and how often boats got lost while at sea. The ocean is so unforgiving, but now that we have planes, and more people have the desire to cross these oceans, you would never be able to tell. The only people that continue to have any understanding about this are the actual sailors and fisherman that head out there and do their thing each day.. at sea....

Anyways, saw some F1 cars, saw some animals, some skeletons and then I called it pretty quickly after I started because I was just so psychologically drained from the night previous.

I left the museum and started a walk toward the Sainsbury local for a meal deal, as I was crossing a street in the main area of the city, who appears out of nowhere, mf Houdini. Like a genie in the bottle, somehow I meet up with this guy again. He tells me he's heading to lunch to meet up with someone he met in the friends section of Couch Surfers for lunch. He offered me to come, and even though I was not in the headspace to want to meet new people, I wanted something to do, so naturally I said yes.

We walked over to this place where they do some gnarly pork sandwiches to meet up with the guy.

Finally he rocks up, his name is Gabe.

We get to talking. At first I assumed that they had met each other already, I didn't know exactly how they came about meeting each other but as we spoke more it became intensely more apparent that they had no idea who each other were.

We ended up in this local pub for lunch. Quinn was not there to eat, and Gabe and I both ordered an authentic Scottish pie for lunch.

As we spoke more, the conversation ended up more in the hands of Gabe and I talking about ourselves and our experiences. We both enjoy a sense of risk, and we both enjoy meeting random people and exploring our own thoughts. It was very nice to meet Gabe, he reminded me so much of my other friend from back home, Cole. Cole and I were good buddies out in Rossland.

Soon Gabe and I finished our meals, we wanted to keep hanging out after lunch, but we didn't want Quinn to be apart of it.

We found that as we were talking during lunch, and especially about the things we shared passion over, Quinn was rather quiet, and then if there was any time that he could interject with a negative opinion, he would.

A good example is when Gabe was talking about how he likes the Bay Area (where both of them are from), Quinn would interject and talk about how he actually doesn't like the Bay Area and how he would never go back there. I mean, I'm sure there's a time and place for that, but it wasn't during that discussion.

We exited the restaurant and Gabe and I pre-agreed that we would walk a separate way going out of the place as an illusion of parting ways, and then just reconvene a minute later or so. Somehow Houdini Houdidn't hit it off with us, it was just a different dynamic between Gabe and I, vs when Quinn was around.

Gabe and I ended up spending the rest of the day exploring together. We hit up this big hill with some awesome views and spent the time just talking about life and how our experiences made us who we are today and how we have to give into change to free yourself from frustration, and at that point you open yourself to more in life.

After that hill, we hopped on the tram and went toward this harbor area that was recommended to Gabe by a peer somewhere else.

He had this little ticket that was good for a 3 day journey for one person. He sent me a copy of the ticket and even when we were checked, the guy only wanted to see the ticket existed and then didn't scan them to make sure.

We spent some time walking around, trying to find what was popping off in the area, apparently he had been told there was some good night life there. It is a good thing we went to scope it out because there was absolutely nothing going on in this area.

After we had sat down and talked for a little bit, we head back into the city. Gabe's brother was coming into town and so they were going to go out for dinner and then we would get back together and go out that night to some places in town.

Gabe's brother, Jake, was studying in Oxford, so it made it convenient for the two of them to meet up while abroad.

We met up with Jake on the other side of the bridge that runs in front of the station which is right in front of the hostel. We met up in front of this restaurant called Wagamama. Jake took me aback, I knew Gabe was tall but his brother is so freaking tall, it threw me off a bit. After a quick greeting and chat, we went our separate ways.

I picked up a meal deal and went back to the hostel to relax and decompress a little bit while Jake and Gabe caught up.

Around 10 we reconvened at Stramash! I rocked up a little while before Gabe and Jake and they had a punk band on stage, each of the guys looked to be well into their 60's and they were jamming out on stage in front of a bunch of late 20's to mid 50's individuals. It was cool to see some authentic punk, too bad I didn't take any video for Dad because he would have eaten it up.

Once the boys showed up we did a quick tour of the building, for some reason Gabe thought there was a rooftop bit at this place, I feel like I would have exploited that the night previous, but it ended up not existing. After a quick tour we dipped out of that spot and went over to a different pub, one that was apart of the pub crawl from the night previous. Last night that spot was almost completely empty, but the night after when we were there it was probably the most packed in town, people were packed in there like cows in a slaughterhouse. Somebody get PETA on the phone.

When we walked into the place I thought it would open up a bit as we walked in further, but the further we walked in, the more I thought I recognized a group of individuals. Low and behold it was the people from last nights pub crawl, we had a little moment of ayyy good to see you and then Jack mentioned that Quinn was at the bar getting drinks and I turned to Gabe and was like ayo Houdini just reappeared. No way the second bar we walk into genie comes out of the bottle to grant a wish. We walked out of there as quick as we could, that was not an interaction worth having. We walked down the road a little to this other spot that was much less crowded, we stopped to talk for a little while and get to know each other (Jake and I) and then we moved on to the next spot.

Next spot was called Banshee Labyrinth, it was a bar with a bunch of different rooms with different themes, most notably there was one with a DJ, one with a bar, one with a pool table and one with a theatre style cinema playing a movie while you drink. Crazy spot, very interesting. The night came to a close as we finished exploring that spot. It was about 1230 and our day had been pretty long. No sense in wasting money trying to get into more spots, so we called it there.

We head our separate ways and intended to meet back up the next day around 1030 to walk around the city with Jake.